Here is a list of classroom practices that I hope to try in my future classroom:
Writer's notebook ideas:​
100 things I love
write in a public place
write from a license plate
lifting a line
write about your name
describe your world
write to specific audiences
3x3 poems
important person/animal to you
favorite place
look closely at an object
read a photograph
defining word
'Where I'm From' poems
Self-portrait from TAKR
six word memoirs
Using mentor texts during mini-lessons
using memory chains to write​
developing a "what if" story
'I Wonder'
'All the Small Poems'
Generating writing ideas:​
An outdoor writer's cafe (go outside and write what you hear, see, smell; find an object outside and pretend you are the object)
inspire yourself with walks and books
seed ideas (I've always wondered.., It's not fair that..)
heart maps
hand maps
neighborhood maps
inverted triangle-writing territories
- Help students develop content and detail while writing:
- dipping into dialogue​
- appeal to the sense
- use anecdotes
- moving from here to there
- Peer & teacher feedback on student writing:
- Baseline writing assessments:
- narratives​
- opinion
- informational
- Developing class anchor charts for personal narratives:
- what a personal narrative is​
- show/don't tell anchor chart example (huffelementary)
- how to show emotions and feelings through writing anchor chart (huffelementary)
- Teaching, exploring & creating poetry in the classroom:
- Living poetry museum​
- Living Anthology Project
- "What we say is poetry" bulletin board (listen for poetry in our daily talk)
- Observation poetry
- Six senses poem
- Wind Spark poem
- Haiku/Photoku
- Wonder Walk Invitation
- Concrete/Shape poem
- 'so much depends upon' poem
- Found poem (& from prose to poem)
- Blackout poetry