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Here are some of my favorite personal poems...



After Valerie Worth



A small seed,

Then the sprout,

A small white bell appears,

To h



                g,  a moment, 

Upside down, before

It stretches to face the sun, it's keeper 

Protected by a smooth plastic coat, 

Breaking and billowing into bloom, 

Spilling out an array of colors against the eye, 

Spraying the satisfying scent of the farmers market. 


A Metal Fork

After William Carlos Williams  


so much depends



a metal fork

bearing its scars from years of use


designed with different prongs to complete its purpose

even though people never tend to notice


meeting new and repeat customers 

in a variety of sizes and strengths 


it looks forward to its baths at the end of each day

as its stains are wiped away




                        Sea Turtles

                         After Paul Fleischman 


Tide's rising

                                        Ground’s cooling

Sea turtles are              Sea turtles are

hatching out                 hatching out

tiny flippers

                                        such determination


                                        to their new home

Sea turtles                     Sea turtles

swimming                     swimming


Sea turtles’                     Sea turtles’

body                                 body


protecting them

                                          from the ocean's friends

mighty strong                mighty strong

it holds them near

                                          never leaving

a guardian friend          a guardian friend



exploring the sea          exploring the sea

from the shallows

                                         to the ocean floor.

Where Poetry Hides

After Georgia Heard


Poetry hides

in the bookshelf

with books stacked to the sky.

Poetry hides under your hat

in your eyes.

Poetry hides 

in a bottle

on the beach of an unknown shore. 


Poetry hides

in the world around your phone. 

Poetry hides

in a summer



A Happy Meeting

After Joyce Sidman 


Pancake mix meets water: 

round, fluffy kisses.


Quick, wispy courtship, 

then marriage: delicious 


My best friend and I

Rummaged through the toys:

A skateboard, jump rope, go-cart




T                  K

   I             N

      E     O


       T    D




Off to conquer the h





I lea          ped

Myself as the pilot






Hearts racing

Hair blowing

Screams that echoed the trees

The exhilaration UNimaginable

Found Poem: From Prose to Poem


Growing up, my best friend Madeline and I were always doing crazy things and having fun. One day, we decided to invent something so cool that had never been invented before, or we thought. We rummaged through the toys in the garage finding a skateboard, jump rope, and my brother’s new go-cart, which he was not very happy about after the fact. We twisted, tied, and knotted the jump rope to the back of the go-cart the best we could. After attaching the free end of the jump rope to the skateboard, acting like a rope holding the two vehicles together, we were off to conquer the hill. To some, the hill may not look very big, but to two 10-year-old girls, it was enormous. As we eagerly sprinted up the hill with our contrapment lugging behind us excited to try it out, the top of the hill seemed to grow and get farther away. Once we finally reached the top after what seemed like 30 minutes of running, I leaped into the go-chart, establishing myself as the pilot, while Madeline boarded the skateboard. Not even seconds after she was situated, “3, 2, 1, blastoff”, we were on our way. From the moment we took off, we started flying down the hill- our hearts racing-our hair blowing in the wind- screams that echoed through the trees- our knuckles turning white as we held on for dear life, the exhilaration unimaginable.

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